Turn everyday memories into sensational photos you'll cherish forever. Adobe® Photoshop® Elements 13 software makes it easy to edit and create using ..
Make quick edits, add artistic touches like a pro, or transform your photos to show your vision. Photoshop Elements can guide you through or do it for you. Learn more › * Internet connection required. This product may integrate with or allow access to certain Adobe or third-party hosted online services (“Online Services”). Online Services are available only to users 13 and older and require agreement to additional terms of use and Adobe’s online privacy policy (see www.adobe.com/go/terms). Online Services are not available in all countries or languages, may require user registration, and may be discontinued or modified in whole or in part without notice. Additional fees or subscription charges may apply. With Adobe Revel, not all Elements file formats are supported.
Sep 24, 2014.. Adobe Photoshop Elements just keeps adding cool photo-manipulation tools and features, while making them easier to use. The latest version ..
Organize - All your stuff, when you want it. Order, label, find, and view your photos your way. Edit - Amazing photos - no experience needed. Make quick edits, add artistic touches like a pro, or transform your photos to show your vision. Photoshop Elements can guide you through or do it for you. Create - Be the creative one in the family. Make photo books, scrapbooks, and cards to share lasting memories. Share - Share a photo album right to a web gallery for friends and family everywhere to enjoy. And be social -share to Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, and more. Go - Sync your mobile photos with Elements and your Elements photos with your mobile devices, so you can access any memory anywhere. {"currencyCode":"USD","itemData":[{"priceBreaksMAP":null,"buyingPrice":69.99,"ASIN":"B00N4OLCRO","isPreorder":0},{"priceBreaksMAP":null,"buyingPrice":25.58,"ASIN":"1118964640","isPreorder":0},{"priceBreaksMAP":null,"buyingPrice":37.95,"ASIN":"0133990087","isPreorder":0}],"shippingId":"B00N4OLCRO::P%2BAhfK1x51bFpp9TiIF81H8hkl79fBfav2EFDW0rFQH5%2FNTM2RI%2FyA57KgUnGoNTvaL0c%2FGIrzPAsFXXjcwpePCNH0U4NQNqWiVhBIy8eR%2FOeinbqlEROg==,1118964640::Manimd5FZh7lkLxIbFMejcYmuKBJV8nQG%2Bw%2FxRIJaYFxUiVlPAieFFO80FUKbTncvNdffaLOX7KkPHDxJxdMAzg%2BG2%2FLiKarEcmcYaWSoCRtoQHTpJgn3g==,0133990087::Aa48qD4p64aLCU8CiSHRadJ61c5cRVTw97Mxr++GYveTzHy1h8AQHD4xapaaGC2btQVz7UoSkEEQwtwk6mj9%2B0wTpHFEm%2BoDh%2F10xoumVRkSgeJw70pG7w==","sprites":{"addToWishlist":["wl_one","wl_two","wl_three"],"addToCart":["s_addToCart","s_addBothToCart","s_add3ToCart"],"preorder":["s_preorderThis","s_preorderBoth","s_preorderAll3"]},"shippingDetails":{"xz":"same","xy":"same","yz":"same","xyz":"same"},"tags":["x","y","z","w"],"strings":{"addToWishlist":["Add to Wish List","Add both to Wish List","Add all three to Wish List","Add all four to Wish List"],"addToCart":["Add to Cart","Add both to Cart","Add all three to Cart","Add all four to Cart"],"showDetailsDefault":"Show availability and shipping details","shippingError":"An error occurred, please try again","hideDetailsDefault":"Hide availability and shipping details","priceLabel":["Price:","Price for both:","Price for all three:","Price For All Four:"],"preorder":["Pre-order this item","Pre-order both items","Pre-order all three items","Pre-order all four items"]}} Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 Your photos, with you wherever you are. Make quick edits, add artistic touches like a pro, or transform your photos to show your vision. Express your creativity in beautiful photo books and cards. Access your photos on the go. And always find any photo, fast.* Product Highlights Organize — All your stuff, when you want it. Order, label, find, and view your photos your way. Edit — Amazing photos—no experience needed. Make quick edits, add artistic touches like a pro, or transform your photos to show your vision. Photoshop Elements can guide you through or do it for you. Create — Be the creative one in the family. Make photo books, scrapbooks, and cards to share lasting memories. Share — Share a photo album right to a web gallery for friends and family everywhere to enjoy. And be social—share to Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, and more.* Go — Sync your mobile photos with Elements and your Elements photos with your mobile devices, so you can access any memory anywhere.* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) What’s the difference between Adobe Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements? Photoshop Elements is designed for consumer photo enthusiasts who want to organize, transform, create, and share their photo memories via their computer, the web, or their mobile devices. Premiere Elements is designed for consumer video enthusiasts who want to organize, edit, enhance, and share their video memories via their computer, the web, or their mobile devices. Both apps share a common Organizer for easy access to all photos and videos. They’re sold separately or bundled together as Photoshop Elements & Premiere Elements.* How does Photoshop Elements differ from Photoshop and Lightroom? - Photoshop Elements is designed for everyday consumers who are just getting started with photo editing and want an easy way to organize, transform, create, and share their photos on their computers or while on the go, from their mobile devices.* - Photoshop is the professional standard for creating compelling images, designs, 3D artwork, and videos. - Photoshop Lightroom addresses the workflow needs of professional and advanced amateur photographers, enabling them to import, process, organize, and showcase large volumes of digital photographs. Should I buy Premiere Elements 13 alone or the Photoshop Elements 13 & Premiere Elements 13 bundle? If you like to take and share videos and photos, get the Photoshop Elements 13 & Premiere Elements 13 bundle. The package lets you edit and share photos and videos together in creative ways, at a great value. * Internet connection required. This product may integrate with or allow access to certain Adobe or third-party hosted online services (“Online Services”). Online Services are available only to users 13 and older and require agreement to additional terms of use and Adobe’s online privacy policy (see www.adobe.com/go/terms). Online Services are not available in all countries or languages, may require user registration, and may be discontinued or modified in whole or in part without notice. Additional fees or subscription charges may apply. With Adobe Revel, not all Elements file formats are supported. Adobe, the Adobe logo, Photoshop, Premiere, and Revel are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Vimeo is a registered trademark of Vimeo, LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. I've used Photoshop Elements since version 2 and I strongly believe it is the best photo-editing program available for under $100. It will do most of the editing tasks that the full version of Photoshop does but at a fraction of the cost. Plus, since Photoshop Elements is based on the full version of Photoshop everything you learn can be easily translated to the full version if you decide to purchase a subscription for Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud). This is the software I have my students purchase for the "Digital Photography" and "Digital Painting" college classes that I teach. I've included a video that shows some of the editing features of Elements 13. If you already own a version of Photoshop Elements you can probably skip the video and scroll down to the bottom of this review to read my recommendations on whether or not it is worth upgrading to version 13. The new features in Elements 13 include the 64-bit installation if your computer is 64-bit and a few other features. I actually haven't noticed the difference in speed from 32-bit to 64-bit. Perhaps I will later if I do any bulk processing. Otherwise, the "Photomerge Compose" feature is probably the top one and it does make it easier to copy people and objects from one photo to another. In addition, Elements 13 now has the "Intelligent Crop" feature which shows you some different cropping choices. As an advanced user I don't find this that useful--but perhaps others will. There are a couple new "Guided Edit" features and some new "Effects Variations." In the video I show how you can use one of the new Guided Edits to remove all but one color. For those of you who are new to Photoshop Elements it has two basic components. The first is the Editor which is the program you use to make changes to your photos--or to paint digital paintings. The other component is the Organizer which is used to manage and organize your photos. Both are great programs. I currently have over 40,000 photos in the Organizer and with a click of a button I can easily find the photo I am looking for. If you are serious or semi-serious about editing photos this is the program I recommend. Another advantage of purchasing Photoshop Elements is that there is a lot of free material online that will help you learn how to use the program. There are also a lot of good books. Overall, my favorite Photoshop books are by Scott Kelby. If you just want an easy program to use to edit a few photos then there are much cheaper programs available. More importantly, there are many online photo-editing programs that are absolutely free! One of my favorite free online photo editing applications is Sumopaint. Adobe offers a free 30-day trial so you might want to download it first and see if you like it. The download is a pretty big file so just make sure you have a fast internet connection--and a lot of time for the installation process! You will need to create an account with Adobe before you can download the free trial. My recommendation to current Photoshop Elements Users: Photoshop Elements 9-10: I think you would greatly benefit from upgrading. There are a lot of features that have been added--so many that I can't even remember all of them! Photoshop Elements 11: If you are a serious user of Photoshop Elements I think you would benefit from upgrading. There are some nice new "Guided Features" in Elements 13 that are not in Elements 11. Also, all the little improvements to Content Aware, Photomerge, Recompose, and the Web sharing and mobile features add up enough to make it worth the money if you use Elements on a regular basis. Photoshop Elements 12: There are not that many new features in Photoshop Elements 13 so you could probably wait a year for Elements 14 to come out. The biggest improvement is the 64-bit installation and the Photomerge Compose feature. The best would probably be to download the 30-day free trial and see if it is worth the upgrade. I keep upgrading because I use this software program in my courses and it is important that I have the newest version. Otherwise, I would probably skip this version and wait for the next one. I hope this review helps you decide if Photoshop Elements is something you want to purchase. Read more › How many stars to give is hard to decide. The program itself is 5 stars; as an upgrade program-wise from 12 no more than 4 stars since this is a small incremental improvement not a significant one. However, if you have a 64-bit system, Elements 13 will install that on your computer rather than the 32-bit as previously was installed on all computers. This is a significant improvement for persons with 64-bit computers, something that has been requested for a long time. The new "Photomerge Compose" tool is probably the biggest program improvement. This is a very handy tool, and fun to use, that allows you to easily take persons and objects from one photo and put them in another photo or on blank background. I did a great merged photo taking a diver from one photo and putting him in a photo of 2 diving dolphins and I extracted a rooster and put him on a blank background. (You can see them if you click on "see customer images" under the photo of the Ehotoshop Elements 13 box at the top of the page.) When it makes the transfer to a photo,the program does a pretty good job of making it match the surroundings, but you will likely need to do a little touchup to improve the blend. But that is the easy part. The heavy lifting is done by the program. Photomerge Compose works very well and there are excellent step-by-step instructions. Also new to Elements 13 is a revised crop feature. In the previous versions the program suggested one possible crop when you clicked on the crop icon in the Expert and Quick editing modes. With 13, you now get 4 options to choose from, or to use as a starting point for making your own crop. This is not a game changer, but it is interesting to see the options and perhaps helps you to make the best crop. Another new feature that will likely appeal to those who do Facebook is Custom Cover Photo. This allows you to blend your profile photo with a photo of your choice, then add text to complete the job. For both Photomerge Compose and Custom Cover Photo the program has helps that guide you through the process step by step. Regarding helps to guide you through the process, this has been improved in all parts of the program, starting immediately when the program is opened. Now at the top of the work space beside the traditional Quick (edits), Guided (edits) and Expert (edits) there is now "eLive". Clicking on it opens a page full of information, helps and tutorials on the use all all aspects of the program. This will be of great benefit especially to those new to the program who may not know what to ask for in the help section. Some improvements have been made in both Quick (edits) and Guided (edits) modes, including giving the user more options to consider in deciding what changes to make. Also in Quick there is a new "Effects" option that has a lot of presets in a number of different categories, such as "seasons", "toy camera" and "black and white". If you want to make it appear that your photo was taken in a snow storm, for example, go to "Effects" in Quick and choose Seasons>Winter for the snow effect. (Click on "see Customer Image" under the big photo at top of page to see an image made using this tool.) As always, Photoshop Elements 13 is intended for users at all levels of experience with photo editing. If brand new, start with "Quick" mode where the program does almost everything for you. When you are comfortable, move to "Guided", where you still get a lot of help, but have more freedom to make choices. The next step, and not a difficult one to take, is the "Expert" where you can choose and make use of all the editing tools the program provides. However, even when using the tools in "Expert" there is no reason not to continue to make use of the excellent tools in the "Guided" mode. For example, I just finished processing a photo where the use of the "Zoom Burst Effect" tool in "Guided" was the most significant thing done to it. (Click on "see Customer Image under the big photo at top of page to see an image made using this tool.) Another tool in Guided I use when the photo is right is Out Of Bounds. (Click on "Customer Image under the big photo at top lop to see an image made using this tool.) For those new to photo editing, don't be intimidated. It is obvious that the program developers have worked hard to make this version of Elements even more new-user friendly, starting with the prominently displayed "eLive" and continuing with more complete helps in the Quick and Guided Modes. For Elements users with versions 11 or previous, you should definitely upgrade. There have been enough changes in 12 and 13 to warrant an upgrade. For elements users with version 12, it will be your call. It will depend on how important having a 64-bit program is to you, and/or whether the new Photomerge Compose and Custom Photo Cover are of interest to you. I don't do Facebook so the latter is of no interest to me, but I do have a 64-bit computer and I made a great photo with the Photomerge Compose, so I will be biting the bullet and upgrading. Read more › I've used Elements for years and I love it. Other reviews will discuss the excellence of PSE 13 However, I've recently run into problems with my PSE 13 trial and Adobe Support absolutely sucks. Unless you pay to subscribe to a Premium product, your options for troubleshooting are limited to Forums for everything else. You can't get an actual Adobe employee to communicate with you about a technical problem with their product. Questions take a long time to be answered on the forums, if they're answered at all, and the solutions offered are sometimes too complex for someone not familiar with the inner workings of computer software. (I'm *not* comfortable with deleting system files, for example, particularly on the advice of a stranger who may or may not know what they're doing.) At the moment my computer system seems to be fine except that Elements, Lightroom, and Adobe Download Assistant won't open. They just stopped working while I was in the middle of processing photos. I can't redownload PSE 13. I've tried the main solutions that I found in the FAQ's and on the forums to no avail. I asked questions but haven't yet received a response (24 hr now and I can't work.) I cannot reach anyone at Adobe for help. Conclusion: Adobe Photoshop Elements 13, when it works, 5 stars. Adobe Support when something doesn't work, one star. Average 3 stars. Looks like I'm going to have to find a new photo processing program, much to my disappointment, since Adobe products no longer function on my system (which far exceeds the minimum requirements).