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Camo Krooked Move Around

Camo Krooked Move Around

The next single from Camo & Krooked in the run up to the release of their brand new album 'Zeitgeist' is the exceptional dancefloor detonator 'Move Around'.

[Produced by Camo & Krooked] / [Verse 1: Ian Shaw] / I want you / To take me away / Cause I'm blinded by the light / And I just ain't feeling right / I want you / To take me away

Camo & Krooked - Move Around (feat. Ian Shaw) CLIP

[Produced by Camo & Krooked] [Verse 1: Ian Shaw] I want you. To take me away. Cause I'm blinded by the light. And I just ain't feeling right. I want you. To take ..

Available to pre-order now: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/move-around-feat.-ian-shaw-ep/id685389798 Like Camo & Krooked - http://www.facebook.com/camokrooked Follow Camo & Krooked - http://www.t','url':'https://soundcloud.com/camokrooked/move-around-feat-ian-shaw-clip

Camo & Krooked (Ft. Ian Shaw ) – Move Around

Camo & Krooked Move Around Lyrics. Move Around lyrics performed by Camo & Krooked.