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Dead Famous Ben Elton

Dead Famous [Ben Elton] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. One house, ten contestants, thirty cameras, and forty microphones. Everybody ..

Nov 3, 2001.. Ben Elton's satire is close to its sell-by date. He jumps on the reality television bandwagon with Dead Famous.

dead famous ben eltondead famous ben elton

Buy Dead Famous by Ben Elton (ISBN: 9780552999458) from Amazon's Book Store. Free UK delivery on eligible orders.

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One house, ten contestants, thirty cameras, forty microphones, one murder ... and no evidence. Dead Famous is a killer read from Ben Elt...

Dead Famous (2001) is a comedy/whodunit novel by Ben Elton in which ratings for a reality TV show, very similar to Big Brother, rocket when a housemate is ..

Dead Famous

Jan 1, 2002.. On the downside, it wasn't as funny as I would have expected from Ben Elton. The digs at the mindless and exploitative nature of 'Big Brother' ..

Dead Famous has 5820 ratings and 268 reviews. Cass said: I am laying in bed, wedged firmly in between my two sleeping daughters (and one husband) desper ..

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