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Payday 2 Multiplayer 2

Payday 2 (stylized as PAYDAY 2) is a cooperative first-person shooter video.. opt to either carry out by themselves, with the AI, or as part of a multiplayer game.

is this Multiplayer only or can i play solo? - Payday 2 Message Board for Xbox 360 - GameFAQs

Hi, I would like to play Payday 2 with 1 other friend. is this possible? Will it still work and be as fun and difficulty maybe scale? Will I be able to add bots or go in with just 2 people? Thanks. Yeah I did not bother with Payday 1 as it was apparently not very good with 2 players, I am really hoping the new one is good with 2 players, would really help to get some info from a Beta tester. If it is anything like payday 1, then it doesn't particularly scale much. In payday 1, you could start with just 2 players, and have turned off the bots in the setup. All it would really do is reduce the number of cops coming in at any one time, but only by like 2, if that much. You wouldn't really notice that there were different amounts. So far from what people have seen of payday 2 especially in the beta. A lot of levels deal with hauling bags and picking up a variety of things. If you only have 2 players, even with bots, you are going to be doing twice the trips. If the goal amounts aren't cut dependent on the number of players, then yeah, you are definitely going to be in for a much more complicated experience. What i mean is that you can enable the friendly AI or disable it and play with only 2 players if you wish to do so. In my opinion, the AI is much more useful in PD2 than in Payday: The Heist, therefore i'd rather take the bots with me than go without them. I hope this makes more sense to you, unless you were simply disagreeing with my previous statement.

You can solo with bots. BUT you have to do all the work. You drill, carry bags, pick locks, everything. Bots are good for shooting and takingĀ ..

Co-Op information about PAYDAY 2 on Playstation 3. This page lists the cooperative features, news, reviews, and more info about this game.

payday 2 multiplayer 2

Payday 2 -.. Welcome to the UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacks and Cheats. UnKnoWnCheaTs is the oldest, most successful and professional gameĀ ..

Welcome to MPGH - MultiPlayer Game Hacking, the world's leader in Game Hacks, Game Cheats.. color, mvp, payday 2, sirgoodsmoke, v2.8 1 Attachment(s).

Is Payday 2 playable with just 2 players? - Steam Users' Forums

I would like to play Payday 2 with 1 other friend. is this possible? Will it still work .. Will I be able to add bots or go in with just 2 people? Thanks.

You can solo with bots. BUT you have to do all the work. You drill, carry bags, pick locks, everything. Bots are good for shooting and taking shots. Better to play with people, if you wanna solo you should look into something else maybe. --- He who is tired of Weird Al Yankovic is tired of life. yea i figured, my only concern is dishing out $40 for a game whos online will prob die out in a month or 2 with so many games coming out /next gen/gtav

payday 2 multiplayer 2