The jokes are often double-edged, the performances always spot-on. The Way, Way Back doesn't re-invent the teenage turning point genre, but Faxon and Rash ..
Critics Consensus: Despite its familiar themes, The Way Way Back makes use of its talented cast, finely tuned script, and an abundance of charm to deliver a funny and satisfying coming-of-age story.
But he doesn't use his observations cruelly. Even when he's despondent and upset, he finds a way out of his own misery. Owen, though immature at times, ..
Shy 14-year-old Duncan goes on summer vacation with his mother, her overbearing boyfriend, and her boyfriend's daughter. Having a rough time fitting in, Duncan finds an unexpected friend in Owen, manager of the Water Wizz water park.
The Way, Way Back Poster.jpg. Theatrical release poster.. Owen confronts him and asks him why he doesn't want to go home. Duncan opens up to Owen about ..
The center doesn't hold in The Way, Way Back, and neither does the bulk of the movie, a coming-of-age comedy-drama that's part The Ice Storm, part The ..
Critics Consensus: Despite its familiar themes, The Way Way Back makes use of .. I wouldn't have sat through this kind of movie were it that long, but instead of ..
Duncan turns all the way around, making eye contact with. Trent in the rearview mirror. DUNCAN. (louder). No. TRENT. Well, from what I've observed, I can't say ..
The Way Way Back is a 2013 film about a shy 14-year-old who goes on summer .. On his deathbed, he said "I don't want this place re-painted or updated I don't ..
The Way Way Back (2013) Quotes on IMDb: Memorable quotes and exchanges from.. I know about 46 ways to kill a clown. That wasn't even my best stuff.