
The Code 2014 S

Electrical Code (NEC) for the 2014 Oregon Electrical Specialty Code. working space, the door(s) shall open in the direction of egress and be equipped with ..

2014 Global StarCraft II League Season 1/Code S

[Re] 2015 GSL Season 1 Code S Ro 4 [Re] 2015 GSL Season 1 Code S Ro 4. GSL playing StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm on GOM eXP. You need Adobe Flash ..

* ParalyzE won the Wildcard Tournament and replaced jjakji who changed his region to EU. Group Stage #1 (Round of 32): Dual Tournament format. Best-of-three. The 4 players of each group are split into two pairs and play each other. The winners of these matches will then face each other in the Winner’s match. The victor places first in the group and advances to the Round of 16. The losers of the initial matches face each other in the Loser’s match. The loser places third and fourth in the group, will fall to the next season Code Round of 48. The loser of the Winner’s match and the winner of the Loser’s match will face each other in a fifth match. The winner gets second place in the group and advances to the Round of 16. The loser places third and fourth in the group, will fall to the next season Code Round of 48. Group Stage #2 (Round of 16): Dual Tournament format. Group Nominations. Best-of-three. The 4 players of each group in Round of 16 will face off similar to Round of 32. The winners of these matches will then face each other in the Winner’s match. The victor places first in the group and advances to the Quarterfinals. The losers of the initial matches face each other in the Loser’s match. The loser places third and fourth in the group, will fall to the next season Code Round of 48. The loser of the Winner’s match and the winner of the Loser’s match will face each other in a fifth match. The winner gets second place in the group and advances to the Quarterfinals. The loser places third and fourth in the group, will fall to the next season Code Round of 48. Quarterfinals: Single-elimination playoffs. All 8 players who make it to this round are seeded in next season's Code . Quarterfinals: Best-of-five. Semifinals: Best-of-seven. Finals: Best-of-seven. ₩160,200,000 KRW (≈ $152,446 USD) and 10,500 WCS Points are divided among participants. Place Prize (KRW) ≈ USD WCS Points ID Team 1st ₩70,000,000 $66,612 +2,000 Zest KT Rolster 2nd ₩15,000,000 $14,274 +1,000 soO SK Telecom T1 3rd/4th ₩8,000,000 $7,612 +750 Rain SK Telecom T1 ₩8,000,000 $7,612 +750 Life StarTale 5th-8th ₩4,000,000 $3,806 +500 Click "Show" to see players 5th-8th ₩4,000,000 $3,806 +500 sOs Jin Air Green Wings 5th-8th ₩4,000,000 $3,806 +500 herO CJ Entus 5th-8th ₩4,000,000 $3,806 +500 Maru Jin Air Green Wings 5th-8th ₩4,000,000 $3,806 +500 PartinG SK Telecom T1 9th-12th ₩2,400,000 $2,283 +300 Click "Show" to see players 9th-12th ₩2,400,000 $2,283 +300 RorO Samsung Galaxy 9th-12th ₩2,400,000 $2,283 +300 Dear mousesports 9th-12th ₩2,400,000 $2,283 +300 Classic SK Telecom T1 9th-12th ₩2,400,000 $2,283 +300 Bbyong CJ Entus 13th-16th ₩2,400,000 $2,283 +200 Click "Show" to see players 13th-16th ₩2,400,000 $2,283 +200 Curious StarTale 13th-16th ₩2,400,000 $2,283 +200 Soulkey SK Telecom T1 13th-16th ₩2,400,000 $2,283 +200 Squirtle Incredible Miracle 13th-16th ₩2,400,000 $2,283 +200 Trap Incredible Miracle 17th-24th ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +150 Click "Show" to see players 17th-24th ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +150 Solar Samsung Galaxy 17th-24th ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +150 Leenock yoe Flash Wolves 17th-24th ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +150 Panic StarTale 17th-24th ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +150 Pet StarTale 17th-24th ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +150 TRUE Jin Air Green Wings 17th-24th ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +150 Hydra CJ Entus 17th-24th ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +150 Dark SK Telecom T1 17th-24th ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +150 Stats KT Rolster 25th-32nd ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +100 Click "Show" to see players 25th-32nd ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +100 DongRaeGu MVP 25th-32nd ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +100 SuperNova AZUBU 25th-32nd ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +100 Ruin Incredible Miracle 25th-32nd ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +100 Sora CJ Entus 25th-32nd ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +100 MyuNgSiK KT Rolster 25th-32nd ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +100 Symbol ZZZZZ 25th-32nd ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +100 YongHwa Incredible Miracle 25th-32nd ₩1,500,000 $1,427 +100 ParalyzE SK Telecom T1 * Currency conversion is based on the currency exchange rate (taken from xe.com) on April 5th, 2014. [₩1,000 KRW ≈ $0.9516016 USD] Group A February 5, 2014 18:00 KST 1. herO 2-0 4-1 2. Rain 2-1 4-4 3. Solar 1-2 4-5 4. DongRaeGu 0-2 2-4 Group A Matches Rain 2 1 Solar Yeonsu Heavy Rain Daedalus Point herO 2 1 DongRaeGu Habitation Station Yeonsu Heavy Rain Rain 0 2 herO Polar Night Daedalus Point Solar 2 1 DongRaeGu Polar Night Yeonsu Heavy Rain Rain 2 1 Solar Heavy Rain Frost Daedalus Point Group B February 7, 2014 18:00 KST 1. Zest 2-0 4-1 2. Trap 2-1 5-3 3. Leenock 1-2 3-4 4. SuperNova 0-2 0-4 Group B Matches Trap 1 2 Zest Alterzim Stronghold Polar Night Frost Leenock 2 0 SuperNova Frost Yeonsu Zest 2 0 Leenock Heavy Rain Daedalus Point Trap 2 0 SuperNova Heavy Rain Frost Leenock 1 2 Trap Daedalus Point Frost Polar Night Group C February 12, 2014 18:00 KST 1. soO 2-0 4-1 2. sOs 2-1 5-2 3. Panic 1-2 2-4 4. Ruin 0-2 0-4 Group C Matches soO 2 0 Panic Habitation Station Yeonsu Ruin 0 2 sOs Daedalus Point Frost soO 2 1 sOs Yeonsu Daedalus Point Alterzim Stronghold Panic 2 0 Ruin Yeonsu Polar Night sOs 2 0 Panic Frost Yeonsu Group D February 14, 2014 18:00 KST 1. Soulkey 2-0 4-0 2. Squirtle 2-1 4-3 3. Pet 1-2 3-5 4. Sora 0-2 1-4 Group D Matches Soulkey 2 0 Sora Heavy Rain Alterzim Stronghold Pet 0 2 Squirtle Alterzim Stronghold Daedalus Point Soulkey 2 0 Squirtle Habitation Station Heavy Rain Sora 1 2 Pet Habitation Station Daedalus Point Alterzim Stronghold Squirtle 2 1 Pet Polar Night Heavy Rain Daedalus Point Group E February 19, 2014 18:00 KST 1. PartinG 2-0 4-1 2. Bbyong 2-1 5-3 3. TRUE 1-2 3-5 4. MyuNgSiK 0-2 1-4 Group E Matches PartinG 2 0 MyuNgSiK Frost Yeonsu TRUE 2 1 Bbyong Polar Night Alterzim Stronghold Yeonsu PartinG 2 1 TRUE Alterzim Stronghold Habitation Station Daedalus Point MyuNgSiK 1 2 Bbyong Alterzim Stronghold Yeonsu Heavy Rain TRUE 0 2 Bbyong Heavy Rain Alterzim Stronghold Group F February 21, 2014 18:00 KST 1. Classic 2-0 4-0 2. Maru 2-1 4-4 3. Hydra 1-2 3-5 4. Symbol 0-2 2-4 Group F Matches Maru 0 2 Classic Polar Night Heavy Rain Hydra 2 1 Symbol Daedalus Point Yeonsu Heavy Rain Classic 2 0 Hydra Habitation Station Daedalus Point Maru 2 1 Symbol Habitation Station Yeonsu Alterzim Stronghold Hydra 1 2 Maru Yeonsu Heavy Rain Habitation Station Group G February 26, 2014 18:00 KST 1. Life 2-0 4-1 2. Dear 2-1 5-3 3. Dark 1-2 3-5 4. YongHwa 0-2 1-4 Group G Matches Dear 1 2 Dark Habitation Station Daedalus Point Alterzim Stronghold YongHwa 1 2 Life Alterzim Stronghold Heavy Rain Polar Night Dark 0 2 Life Yeonsu Polar Night Dear 2 0 YongHwa Yeonsu Habitation Station Dark 1 2 Dear Frost Daedalus Point Yeonsu Group H February 28, 2014 18:00 KST 1. Curious 2-0 4-0 2. RorO 2-1 5-4 3. Stats 1-2 3-5 4. ParalyzE 0-2 1-4 Group H Matches RorO 1 2 Stats Heavy Rain Alterzim Stronghold Daedalus Point ParalyzE 0 2 Curious Habitation Station Yeonsu Stats 0 2 Curious Polar Night Alterzim Stronghold RorO 2 1 ParalyzE Polar Night Habitation Station Daedalus Point Stats 1 2 RorO Alterzim Stronghold Heavy Rain Polar Night Group A March 5, 2014 18:00 KST 1. sOs 2-0 4-0 2. Life 2-1 4-2 3. RorO 1-2 2-4 4. Curious 0-2 0-4 Group A Matches Life 2 0 RorO Frost Polar Night Curious 0 2 sOs Yeonsu Daedalus Point Life 0 2 sOs Polar Night Yeonsu RorO 2 0 Curious Polar Night Frost Life 2 0 RorO Habitation Station Yeonsu Group B March 6, 2014 18:00 KST 1. Maru 2-0 4-2 2. Zest 2-1 5-4 3. Dear 1-2 4-5 4. Soulkey 0-2 2-4 Group B Matches Zest 1 2 Maru Heavy Rain Daedalus Point Frost Soulkey 1 2 Dear Polar Night Daedalus Point Alterzim Stronghold Maru 2 1 Dear Alterzim Stronghold Heavy Rain Frost Zest 2 1 Soulkey Alterzim Stronghold Polar Night Daedalus Point Dear 1 2 Zest Frost Yeonsu Polar Night Group C March 12, 2014 18:00 KST 1. Rain 2-0 4-1 2. PartinG 2-1 4-2 3. Classic 1-2 3-5 4. Squirtle 0-2 1-4 Group C Matches Classic 2 1 Squirtle Alterzim Stronghold Yeonsu Heavy Rain PartinG 0 2 Rain Daedalus Point Yeonsu Classic 1 2 Rain Frost Yeonsu Polar Night Squirtle 0 2 PartinG Frost Habitation Station Classic 0 2 PartinG Habitation Station Frost Group D March 7, 2014 18:00 KST 1. soO 2-0 4-1 2. herO 2-1 5-3 3. Bbyong 1-2 2-5 4. Trap 0-2 2-4 Group D Matches soO 2 1 Trap Daedalus Point Yeonsu Frost herO 1 2 Bbyong Habitation Station Alterzim Stronghold (Draw) Alterzim Stronghold Yeonsu soO 2 0 Bbyong Yeonsu Polar Night Trap 1 2 herO Yeonsu Polar Night Daedalus Point Bbyong 0 2 herO Alterzim Stronghold Frost Quarterfinals (Bo5) sOs 0 sOs Zest March 19, 2014 18:00 KST Frost Alterzim Stronghold Daedalus Point Zest 3 Rain 3 Rain herO March 19, 2014 20:00 KST Alterzim Stronghold Heavy Rain Polar Night Daedalus Point Frost herO 2 Life 3 Life Maru March 21, 2014 18:00 KST Habitation Station Polar Night Heavy Rain Alterzim Stronghold Yeonsu Maru 2 PartinG 1 PartinG soO March 21, 2014 20:00 KST Polar Night Yeonsu Daedalus Point Frost soO 3 Semifinals (Bo7) Zest 4 Zest Rain March 26, 2014 18:00 KST Habitation Station Daedalus Point Alterzim Stronghold Frost Heavy Rain Yeonsu Polar Night Rain 2 Life 3 Life soO March 28, 2014 18:00 KST Heavy Rain Yeonsu Alterzim Stronghold Polar Night Frost Daedalus Point Habitation Station soO 4 Finals (Bo7) Zest 4 Zest soO April 5, 2014 14:00 KST Frost Habitation Station Heavy Rain Yeonsu Polar Night Alterzim Stronghold Daedalus Point soO 3 Protoss Terran Zerg Random Round of 32 16 3 13 Round of 16 9 2 5 Quarterfinals 5 1 2 Semifinals 2 2 Finals 1 1 Champion 1 Premier Tournaments

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2014 Global StarCraft II League Season 3/Code S

Code with Anna and Elsa.. I've finished my Hour of Code. Trophies. ▽. MORE.. Angry Birds™ & © 2009 - 2014 Rovio Entertainment Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

the code 2014 s

Starcraft 2 Videos from 2014 GSL Season 1 Code S @ SC2Casts.com - a website dedicated to Starcraft 2 Commented Games.

The loser places third and fourth in the group, will fall to the next season Code Round of 48.

All 8 players who make it to this round are seeded in next season's Code Code S . Quarterfinals: Best-of-five. Semifinals: Best-of-seven. Finals: Best-of-seven.

the code 2014 sthe code 2014 s

Brackets for season 1 of the GSL Code S of the 2014 StarCraft II World Championship Series.

The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from .. 12-2014). Page 2. Note. If you are a U.S. person and a requester gives you a ..

the code 2014 sthe code 2014 s

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