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Beim installieren von Patch "WoW-3.2.0-enGB-patch" über den Launcher selbst taucht jedesmal (auch nach mehrfachem Neuinstallieren von ..
Apr 4, 2013.. 43; 44 3.1.0 enGB / deDE Mirror; 45 Number.. 55 My WoW mirror; 56 WoW-3.1.3-to-3.2.0-enGB-Win-patch; 57 Patch mirrors and difrent.. 2.4.3 → 3.0.1 patch links are interchanged.
Jan 11, 2014.. (How to downgrade to WoW 3.0.1) If you WoW higher than 3.x. x.. 3.2.0 to 3.2.0 a GB Patch atch.exe(8 MB).. Files\World of Warcraft I) go to GB\Data\enGB\ II) Open ..
(spoiler 2); The next patch upgrade is 3.2.0 to 3.2.2a. (spoiler 3); The next.. Spoiler 1 [spoiler]Wotlk 3.0.1 enGB full client · Wotlk 3.0.1 enUS full ..